
Please note that most books listed can be ordered from many different book stores.

Fernside Supporting Children and Families Through Grief also maintains a collections of these books.
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Suicide Literature for Children Survivors of Suicide

A TERRIBLE THING HAPPENED: Margaret Holmes (Grades k-3) This story is for children who have witnessed any kind of violent or traumatic event, including suicide.
AFTER A SUICIDE: The Dougy Center (Grades 1-8)
AFTER SUICIDE: Eileen Kuehn (Grades 7-12)
LIVING WITH THE QUESTIONS: An informative book which includes Teen Talk, Fast Facts, photographs and summaries.
BART SPEAKS OUT: Linda Goldman (Grades k-3)
THE BELL JAR: by Sylvia Plath (Grades 9-12)Tells the story of a gifted young woman’s mental breakdown in the early 1950’s and her completed suicide in 1963.
FACE AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD*: Eve Bunting (Grades 6-8)Haunted by Charlie’s suicide, Jed, sets out to retrace his best friend’s last weeks and discovers why Charlie did it.

Suicide Literature for Adult Survivors of Suicide

A MOTHER’S STORY Gloria Vanderbilt: In 1988, the author’s 23-year old son committed suicide while she looked on. Her memoirs reflect on her own painful history and how she moved forward after the death of her son.
AFTERSHOCK: HELP, HOPE AND HEALING IN THE WAKE OF SUICIDE C. Arrington & D. Cox. A recovery book that will provide encouragement and support for survivors. Examines the complex emotions when grieving a suicide and lets readers know they are not alone in their grief or healing.
AFTER SUICIDE: John H. Hewett: “For the individual in the throes of responding to the suicide of a loved one.” –The Theological Editor
AFTER SUICIDE: A RAY OF HOPE FOR THOSE LEFT BEHIND Eleanora B. Ross. The author begins with her own story of coping with her husband’s suicide and takes the reader beyond the silence and the shame often associated with a suicide death.
BEFORE THEIR TIME: Mary & Maureen Stimming
BREAKING THE SILENCE: Linda Goldman: A GUIDE TO HELP CHILDREN WITH COMPLICATED GRIEF – SUICIDE…This book provides specific ideas and techniques to work with children in various areas of complicated grief.
BUT I DIDN’T SAY GOODBYE: Barbara Rubel: FOR PARENTS & PROFESSIONALS HELPING CHILD SUICIDE SURVIVORS*A resource to help children deal with the after effects of a suicide.
DYING TO BE FREE: Beverly Cobain & Jean Larch
A HEALING GUIDE FOR FAMILIES AFTER A SUICIDE: The author shares personal accounts of three family suicides including the 1994 suicide of singer, Kurt Cobain. The book provides insight into the confusion, fear and guilt following a suicide and helps readers understand why desperation is hard to recognize.
THE EMPTY CHAIR: THE JOURNEY OF GRIEF AFTER SUICIDE*: Beryl S. Glover. In 1983, the author lost her brother and daughter to suicide within three weeks of each other. This book describes and offers guidance for each emotion and issue felt following a suicide.
A LOVED ONE’S SEARCH FOR COMFORT, ANSWERS & HOPE: The author’s father died by suicide after becoming depressed following a stroke. He explores the many questions surrounding suicide and addresses the topic of forgiveness.
GRIEVING THE UNEXPECTED: THE SUICIDE OF A SON: Dr. Gary LeBlanc. The author openly discusses his son’s suicide and the many questions that emerged from the tragedy.

*Book suggestions derived from Fernside’s recommendations

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