About Us
SEAS the Day Foundation was established in April 2012 with the purpose to serve the community, raise awareness of suicide prevention and to promote a positive outlook on life through education and outreach. To date we have presented to a number of local schools educating the youth about the signs of suicide, coping technics and other crucial-related topics. SEAS the Day has also sponsored in-school group and individual counseling by local mental health partnerships. We continue to strive everyday towards our mission and with your support we can make our vision a reality.
SEAS Goals:
Host ongoing suicide awareness events.
Reach out to local communities & schools by teaching the importance of suicide prevention.
Provide coping tools & resources for those affected directly & indirectly by suicide.
Raise funds in order to support our mission.
Expand our network and create partnerships with other organizations with similar missions.
Accomplishments to Date:
Facebook Page has over 700 followers.
Raised over $6,000 in two years.
Established an Official Board.
Consistently raising awareness through social media and word of mouth!
With your support SEAS the Day is able to provide our community:
Sponsored Counseling
Support Groups
Coping Activities